Time and again I have felt it would be so nice to be in a univ than any of the top 10 from the Forbes' list... just wonder why Forbes doesn't consider univs!! (more importantly .. designation of grad students ;) ). Of course .. that does not go to say that I didn't enjoy my time at one of the top companies from the list.. I loved all the free unlimited drinks .. thats never to be found at univs...I did enjoy my own room (guess MS is one of the few companies that provides private 10 x 10 x10 offices.. for all full time employees.. and some lucky interns like me!) where I could surf the whole day .. and be very productive and efficient in deciding the best place to visit the following weekend!!
I should appreciate and thank MS for all the time and infrastructure they provided me for planning and executing all these visits and even more so for paying me to do all this!!... I visited a few places around.. Mt Rainier, Mt St Helens, Mt Hood, Olympic National Park(Hoh rain forest, hurricane ridge, lake crescent etc), Yellowstone National Park, Redwood National Park, Oregon Sand Dunes National Recreation Area, Crater lake, downtowns of San Francisco, Portland and ofcourse Seattle... Columbia River Gorge (lotsa waterfalls including Multnomah), snoqualmie falls, silverlake falls, beaches in Oregon and CA!!!! and some of them twice .. so that I could take Ramya around when she was there on a free trip sponsored by MS!!! Not only visiting these places.. but also drafting most of this blog abt these places, organizing all pics taken at these places and even making a map of places visited!! So herez the map...(its interactive just in case u r interested in the details)
PS: btw, I also worked on and in fact completely owned a component for correcting some broken power management system of USB devices on Vista and my code is going to ship in a month.. and be running for sure on more than 50 million Vista users with updates enabled.. and further down on lots more in Vista SP1!! MS rocks!!!!!!!