Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Fauna Of The Wild West

Here is a small collection of the fauna of the wild west that I could capture in their natural habitat. This one was the toughest.. had to take atleast about 8 shots before getting this one!

A curious look... as though my camera was an AK-58 manufactured specially to aim at it.

Spain in western US..

Gubbachi :)

A cute lil squirrel posing for me...

This was the easiest one. The bird flew on to my window assuming it would get the entire strawberry cheese muffin for itself (which was btw the only source to keep my demanding tummy happy). I was about to get buckled up... I had to stop with the belt half way towards the buckle.. and quickly grab my camera.. forget about focusing and get this shot!


vinu said...

hey the first pic is very nice..btw which camera do u use?

Shekhar said...

@vinu: Thnx :).. I use a Kodak Z612.. actually most of the good pics I get nowadays are in the manual mode... which allows for aperture, shutter speed control and focusing manually!