Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Heavenly Abode

Bored of staying confined in a hotel room for too matter how posh .. how elegantly stylishly luxurious with its interiors.... it is still a cell like room from outside!! So, I went in search of some houses with exteriors that would suit my choice and here are a couple of them I found interesting.

The first one I chose as my winter guest house, given that it would remain equally green in this evergreen state... the water may just be frozen.. which i feel only adds to the beauty and here it is

For the summer, I would probably choose a simpler one.. with a simple entrance

I don't need a red carpet.. this would do...

And again, I do not want to miss the colors... So some trees like these by the side of the path way

Leading to the house....

Located here!!!
(best viewed large by clicking on the image)


vinu said...

haha..loved the narration! :-)

Shekhar said...

@vinu: thnx :) I was contemplating on posting a paypal link .. for donations.. so that I could manage to rent those places ;)