Thursday 19 July, 2007

True To The Name

After a slow week with very few posts.. here I am back again with a bang.. This time, true to the name of the blog, here is something straight from the wild....what better than the national emblem of the United States, the Bald Eagle.

PPl here are very poor at a few things...
  • They can't count... counting 575$, given as 5 100's, 3 20's, a 10 and a 5 $ bill, is "impossible" for the most qualified and competent accountant here.
  • They simply don't know how simple the metric systems of units are... They use pounds, miles, gallons, acres, Fahrenheit. Thank god there is no such complex unit for time .. they would have used it for sure!
  • They cant name things properly... They call a game which is played only with the use of hands, head and shoulders... everything but the foot as "foot"ball. And no surprise, they call a beautiful bird, full of hair and feathers as "Bald" Eagle. You can see for urself.

1 comment:

Josh said...

he he. funny people. funny way of life